Thursday 17 May 2012

The Top 4 Educational Toys for Children Under 10

Toys play a very important role in a child’s life and in their development. They help a child learn about a wealth of subjects from simple things like coordination when they are very young, games that stimulate the mind and toys that get the child learning about subjects they will need later in life like math or vocabulary, etc. Toys aren’t just toys anymore and now when you go out to buy a child’s toy the best toys you can get for your child are the ones that will not only entertain them, but educate them as well. So below you will find the top 4 educational toys for children under 10 to help make your choice a little bit easier.

1.    Young Scientist Microscope Set    – Children Ages 8 - 10yrs. – This nifty little kids’ microscope set is one of the top 4 educational Quadrilla twist set for children under 10 because it is a great way to help introduce children to the world of science in a fun and low pressure way. The microscope magnifies specimens anywhere from 100-1200 times their normal size, so kids can get an understanding of the microscopic world around them from the comfort of their own home.

2.    Alphabet Blocks – Children Ages 6 Months - 3yrs. – This is another of the top 4 educational toys for children under 10 as it is invaluable to the development of young children. Young children are just starting to learn to communicate through sounds and vocalization and alphabet blocks are a great way to get them to start learning the alphabet as well as understanding words. This will get their minds ready and able to acclimate to a pre-school setting as they will be able to communicate and recognize words and letters as well.

3.    Click Start – Children Ages 3 - 6yrs. – Computers are everywhere and it’s smart for a child to start learning how to use them from an early age, but the learning process can also help in the development of the reading and language skills, math, science, history, etc. As one of the top 4 educational toys for children under 10 the Quadrilla rail set has a large library of entertaining and educational programs to keep your child learning and growing through their most important years.

4.    Build-Your-Own City – Children Ages 4 -10yrs. – Building things is always fun for a child and the act of it can help a child’s mind in their most developmental years. With the Build-Your-Own-City your child can learn about construction and architecture in an easy way that will allow them to utilize the knowledge later on in life and that is why this is one of the top 4 educational toys for children under 10.

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