Getting Organized
- Helpful Tips
Starting a new school year is always an exciting time. It is a chance to reconnect with your friends, participate in your favorite clubs and activities and learn new things. Unfortunately, with so many things to do, get ready for school can quickly become overwhelming.
One way to combat this problem is by taking steps to organize your day-to-day responsibilities. Here are some helpful tips for getting organized for school:
1. Buy a whiteboard calendar and use it to keep track of your activities. The best part about these calendars is that they can be used again and again each month simply by erasing the information from the previous month and starting fresh. Write down any upcoming deadlines for projects, homework due dates, upcoming tests or future events. That way, you can see at a glance what is on the agenda for the day, week and month.
2. Make to-do lists. Purchase a small pad of paper that you can keep in your back to school. Throughout the day, jot down important tasks or responsibilities as they come up. For instance, if you get a homework assignment in your history class, make a note of it on the paper. Likewise, if you need to get a permission slip signed or have to bring a swimsuit for gym class, jot down a quick note about it. That way when you get home you won’t have to worry about forgetting any important tasks.
3. Try getting ready for school the night before. This includes choosing an outfit and laying it out so you can just throw it on in the morning. If you bring your lunch to going back to school, you can also make it the night before and keep it in the fridge so you just have to grab it on your way out the door.
4. When it is time to do homework, try doing your hardest subject first. Getting the worst of it out of the way will make the rest of your homework feel like a breeze. You may even find that you get your homework done more quickly this way since you won’t be as likely to procrastinate.
Getting organized for school can help you enjoy a relaxing and successful school year. By tracking your activities on a calendar, making to-do lists, getting your clothing and lunch ready the night before and tackling your hardest homework subject first, you can get more done and feel less stressed throughout the school year.
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